Units now possess "special abilities" aside from their primary functions, such as American vehicles being able to create hovering robotic drones to provide support, Chinese Hackers capable of shutting down buildings or providing a steady flow of funds, and the basic soldiers of all three factions being able to capture buildings, eliminating the previous method of using engineers (although the process of capturing buildings in Generals is gradual rather than the instantaneous capture of previous games). For instance, resources are no longer obtained from minerals scattered on the ground, but are instead collected at "supply docks" and "supply stockpiles," and these resources, unlike Ore or Tiberium, are finite in quantity.

Generals plays very differently from its sibling Tiberium and Red Alert series. After the GLA launched a nuclear attack on Tiananmen Square during a Chinese military parade, the War against the GLA, one of the deadliest conflict in the timeline, officially began. In this universe, an international quasi-terrorist organization known as the Global Liberation Army rose to prominence as one of the main players on the world stage after a series of terrorist attacks throughout the world. Several real world military vehicles also exist in this universe, most notably in the USA faction vehicles, such as the Humvee, the Raptor, and the Chinook helicopter.

The Generals universe is similar to our own, though this universe seems to possess more advanced technologies, such as cold fusion, particle weapons, laser weaponry and autonomous drones.