I'd say the most common reasons for unrest are: If you want a breakdown of how your province is doing and what is causing unrest just click on a province and mouse over the icon that shows their overall public order near the bottom left. Placing a dignitary in areas that are having issues can raise public order, growth, and also contributes to taxes when deployed. You can check this by mousing over your food in the bottom right. Also on the note of food, for having a food surplus you gain additional growth in all provinces and faster unit recovery, up to +5 and +10% respectively (I'm not sure how much excess food is needed but i believe it is based on empire size). I also try to have at least 1 farm in ever town as this keeps the food from running out. If smaller settlements have industry, I go for industry bonuses, etc. Other than that I just play around what the province produces most. Slave population declines over time as slaves die, this can be slowed if you want (as slaves do bring additional income to your provinces) by building a slave trader (yellow). Slave revolts can be extremely difficult to deal with as it will often spawn a full 20/20 army with units that are experienced in battle and may even have upgrades.

As slaves are former fighters, if you get too many slaves in a province and you have a revolt it will most likely be a slave revolt. Most things add to public unrest and taking on too many slaves is extremely dangerous. A slave revolt will instantly take a province from -100 to 0 in one turn. Each turn a revolt continues is +20 public order, up to a max of 0 total public order (from -100). Sometimes you can force a revolt however and just ensure you have an army nearby to deal with what comes. If I'm tax harvesting a province I get a shrine everywhere! Turning off taxes in a province may be needed if the people are extremely unhappy. I occasionally add an additional shrine in a small city if needed in a 4 city province. My basic go-to for keeping people happy is one entertainment building from culture (yellow) and one shrine, typically the one with a taxation bonus on tax harvesting edict, but this varies depending on the province.

Do you guys have any tips for keeping the filthy plebs from revolting? I'm playing as the Roman faction. I'm pretty good at battles but the constant rebels are annoying me. I'm getting back into Rome 2 and am struggling to keep provinces from rebelling.