
The last days of the third age cheats
The last days of the third age cheats

Obtain all collectibles to unlock five trophies: Endure And Survive (Bronze), I Got This (Bronze), It Was All Just Lying There (Silver), Look For The Light (Silver), and Scavenger (Gold). Search the indicated locations to find all 141 collectibles (85 artifacts, 14 comic books, 30 firefly pendants, and 12 training manuals). Then, return to the original difficulty after you are done. While playing on the Hard or Survivor difficulty, you can pause the game and switch to the Easy difficulty to stock up on ammunition and supplies.

the last days of the third age cheats

Easy ammunition and supplies on harder difficulty Move the controller around at the loading screen, and the fireflies will follow the movements. There will now be a knife leaning against the window at the main menu.

the last days of the third age cheats

Successfully complete the game on the Normal difficulty.

the last days of the third age cheats

For example, completing the game on the Hard difficulty will unlock the Easy, Normal, and Hard difficulties in New Game + mode. Note: The difficulty used in your original playthrough will determine which difficulties are available in New Game + mode. Successfully complete the game to unlock New Game + mode, which allows you to start a new playthrough and retain all your stats, collectibles, weapon upgrades, and crafting levels. This glitch is very helpful if you are low on materials and need a shiv for combat or to open a locked shiv door. Then, swap and reacquire the upgraded melee weapon to replenished shiv materials and still have the upgraded melee weapon.

the last days of the third age cheats

To duplicate shiv materials, simply equip an upgraded melee weapon, and swap it with another melee weapon that you find in the environment (2x4, axe, bat, lead pipe, or machete). This weapon allows you to craft upgraded melee weapons. To duplicate shiv materials at any time, you must first obtain the upgraded melee weapon at the start of Bill's Town (the weapon is located on the roof of the small building near the wooden plank just before you enter the town).

The last days of the third age cheats