A battalion-strength combat-oriented task force trained to deal with highly aggressive anomalous entities may consist of hundreds of troops plus support personnel, vehicles, and equipment and can be deployed in whole or in part to deal with threats across the globe.

Mobile Task Forces vary greatly in size, composition, and purpose. Mobile Task Force personnel represent the "best of the best" of the Foundation. MTF Epsilon-11 are also faster than most of the units in-game.Mobile Task Forces (MTFs) are elite units comprised of personnel drawn from across the Foundation and are mobilized to deal with specific threats or situations that sometimes exceed the operational capacity or expertise of regular field personnel and - as their name suggests - may be relocated between facilities or locations as they are needed. In-game: MTF Epsilon-11 spawns in with an orange MTF uniform and a respirator. MTF Epsilon-11 also handles internal security for the Foundation. MTF Epsilon-11 is an MTF called in when a site has multiple containment failures, or when a site is undergoing a catastrophic event no other task force can deal with. In-game: MTF Nu-7 spawn in with a black MTF uniform. MTF Nu-7 are called in when a site loses communication, and it is believed to have been caused by hostile intrusions, site wide breaches, or any other similar catastrophic event.

MTF Nu-7 is an AMTF (Armed Mobile Task Force) that responds to situations that require heavy combative support. Beta-7 are immune to SCP-008 and biological SCPs, as well as pipe leaks. In-game: MTF Beta-7 spawn with a yellow MTF uniform, and a gas mask. MTF Beta-7 "Maz Hatters" is the primary MTF used for acquiring and containing biological hazards, as well as the cleanup and containment of areas affected by such anomalies. Their weapons consist of the HK416, and a riot shield. In-game: MTF Alpha-1 in-game spawn with a red MTF uniform. The task force consists of the Foundation's best operatives.

MTF Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand" are the MTF responsible for the protection of O5 Council members, taking orders from them directly and performing operations that require the strictest operational security.